Toolkit for parents

Discover our manual for parents on parental mediation

Welcome to GLAD manual for parents! A learning material focused on the digital education and teaching mediation to those parents interested on having a better performance when dealing with their children and technologies at home.

What is this manual?

GLAD has worked on the involvement of adults representing a very strong and inspiring point that has given to this material a tailor-based approach to give response to parents’ everyday requests. This manual appears as a hands-on material for adults giving concrete responses to apply to needs perceived by those parents involved on GLAD. Its content allows to learn and apply different mediation techniques related to concrete everyday challenges that adults face and where children may have many benefits or harms depending on the mediation style that parents practice with them.

What will you learn and why is it so important?

The manual contains simple suggestions, videos, tools, and resources for parents to follow on different topics and to better empower themselves on the use of technology while educating or spending quality time with their children. To achieve this, the manual is divided in three toolkits related to the three main pillars involved on digital mediation:

  • Parents (Toolkit 1): getting to know myself as a father or mother and my potential.
  • Children (Toolkit 2): understanding interpersonal relations and conflicts with my children and how to properly manage them.
  • Technologies (Toolkit 3): learning the role of technologies on the relation with my children, tips to handle them, principles of parental mediation and tools for devices use monitoring, etc.

How does each toolkit work?

On each toolkit you will find:

  • Guidelines and content about different issues related to parental mediation.
  • Tips and boxes with exercises linked to the content to put it in practice.
  • Boxes with external materials and tools in case you want to know more about each topic.

In case you want to assess your competences on parental mediation, GLAD offers you an easy and short self-evaluation system, composed by two short questionnaires:

  • An initial questionnaire: To evaluate your skills before reading the GLAD manual for parents and its toolkits. It will help you to better understand your mediation context, style and discover how developed your competences are and on which fields you could improve more.
Click here to go to the initial questionnaire
  • A final questionnaire: Which results you could compare with the ones obtained previously thanks to the initial questionnaire. Check what you have learnt thanks to GLAD toolkits and challenge yourself to continue improving.
Click here to go to the final questionnaire

Do you want to know more? Jump and dive on this learning material thought for you!

Download the toolkit 1 of the GLAD manual for parents
Download the toolkit 2 of the GLAD manual for parents
Download the toolkit 3 of the GLAD manual for parents